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Students in Weinberg College develop the curiosity to explore new ideas and methods, the courage to take on new challenges in a changing environment, and the persistence to succeed. By cultivating intellectual agility within and across traditional boundaries, students acquire not only a skillset but more importantly a mindset—a Weinberg College mindset—to thrive in a world marked by rapid and radical change.

Weinberg College is particularly mindful of ensuring an interdisciplinary arts and sciences education that prepares students to embrace new opportunities and to flourish in an increasingly complex world. We believe that the best way to do this is for our students to pursue a way of learning that values and unites knowledge earned through academic endeavors and skills gained through experience.

For many Weinberg College students, research is a defining intellectual experience. Working with faculty during the academic year or summer session, students can take a deep dive into a topic of their choosing. Research introduces students to collaborative investigation, connecting them with faculty, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows in the laboratory, library, studio, and around the world. These projects can contribute to published articles, job placement, graduate school applications, and fellowships.